Sunday, May 31, 2020

Inventory Management in a Multinational Company - Free Essay Example

Inventory may be desirable, even necessary, for smooth operation and good customer service in many situations. For instance, inventory can be used to reduce the lead time to respond to customer demand, to smooth out the production rate when there are variations in demand, and to protect the company from underestimates of demand (forecast errors) or shortage of supply. Reasons such as these, plus the fact that inventory is considered an asset on a companys balance sheet, have led many companys to carry excessive amounts of inventory. Some companies for example, the Japanese manufacturer Toyota, have become known for their ability to operate with low inventories and to achieve a high inventory turnover. (Inventory turnover is basically the ratio of sales to the average inventory level, both measured at cost or retail price.) The Japanese approach is to keep in process inventory low and to achieve quick flow of the product through the production cycle. Being able to respond quickly to demand, companies can work from a shorter range forecast, which is more accurate, so they need less safety stock to protect from uncertainty. [1] 2. Aims and objectives Inventory management is an important concern for managers in all types of businesses. For companies that operate on relatively low profit margins, poor inventory management can seriously undermine the business. The challenge is not to pare inventories to the bone to reduce costs or to have plenty around to satisfy all demands, but to have the right amount to achieve the competitive priorities for the business most efficiently. [2] Aims and objectives of this thesis are as follows: Deciding where to position inventory Determining when to replenish inventory Calculating how much to order Determining the placement of safety stock Refacilitating the use of business resources for profitable business results Ensuring the target level of inventory is available to support demand. 3. INVENTORY Inventory is defined as the stock of any item or resource used in organization [3]. An inventory system is a collection of people, equipment and procedures that function to keep account of the quantity of each item in inventory and to determine which items to buy or produce in what quantities and at what times. Even very simple method that accomplishes these functions cost money to operate. Some inventory system requires transaction reporting to keep track of every instance in which units are added to or taken from the existing inventory. This perpetual inventory records can be expensive, but the additional expense can be justified for products that are relatively expensive to hold in inventory 3. 1. CYCLE INVENTORY The portion of total inventory that varies directly with lot size, is called cycle inventory. Determining how frequently to order, and in what quantity, is called lot sizing, two principles apply. The lot size, Q, varies directly with the elapsed time (or cycle) between orders. If a lot is ordered every five weeks, the average lot size must equal five weeks demand. The longer the time between orders for a given item, the greater the cycle inventory. At the beginning of the interval, the cycle inventory is at its maximum or Q. at the end of the interval, just before a new lot arrives, cycle inventory drops to its minimum, or 0. the average cycle inventory is the average of these two extremes: Average cycle inventory = This formula is exact only when the demand rate is constant and uniform. However, it does provide a reasonably good estimate even when demand rates are not constant. Factors other than the demand rate also may cause estimating errors when this simple formula is used. 3.2. SAFETY STOCK INVENTORY To avoid customer service problems and the hidden costs of unavailable components, company holds safety stocks. Safety stocks inventory protects against uncertainties in demand, lead-time, and supply. Safety stocks are desirable when suppliers fail to deliver the desired quantity on the specified date with acceptable quality or when manufactured items have significant amounts of scrap or rework. Safety stock inventory ensures that operations are not disrupted when such problem occur, allowing subsequent operations to continue. Figure 1: Various types of Inventory To create safety stock, a farm places an order for delivery earlier than when the item is typically needed. The replenishment order therefore arrives ahead of time, giving a cushion against uncertainty. Inventory used to absorb uneven rates of demand or supply, which businesses often face, is referred to as anticipation inventory. Predictable, seasonal demand patterns lead themselves to the use of anticipation inventory. Anticipation inventory also can help when supply, rather than demand, is uneven. A company may stock up on a certain purchased item if its suppliers are threatened with a strike or have severe capacity limitations. 3.3. ANTICIPATION INVENTORY Inventory used to absorb uneven rates of demand or supply, which businesses often face, is referred to as anticipation inventory. Predictable, seasonal demand patterns lead themselves to the use of anticipation inventory. Anticipation inventory also can help when supply, rather than demand, is uneven. A company may stock up on a certain purchased item if its suppliers are threatened with a strike or have severe capacity limitations. 3.4. PIPELINE INVENTORY Inventory moving from point to point in the materials flow systems called pipeline inventory. Materials move from suppliers to a plant, from one operation to the next in the plant, from the plant to a distribution center for customer, and from the distribution center to a retailer. Pipeline inventory consists of orders that have been placed but not yet received. Pipeline inventory between two points, for either transportation or production, ca be measured as the average demand during lead time, , which is the average demand for the item period (d) times the number of periods in the items lead time (L) to move between the two points, or Pipeline Inventory = = dL. [2] 4. BATB Inventory Management There are some standard management theories as we described earlier in chapter two. The operational environment varies firms to firms, companies to companies. Based on the different varying conditions most companies do manage the inventory at their own. They do not follow exactly what the theory implies but analyzing the theories they go for the decisions that suit them most effectively and efficiently. The goal should not be to minimize inventory or to maximize customer service but rather to have the right amount to support the competitive priorities of the company. 4.1. BATB Inventory System BATB inventory system can be compared with a two-bin system in which an items inventory is stored at two different locations. Inventory is first withdrawn from one-bin. The two-bin system implies that if the first bin is empty, the second bin provides backup to cover demand until a reenlistment arrives [2]. BATB has the flexibility to locate their inventory at different points from supplier to warehouse at supplier premises which is very good advantage for a company. The demand manager and the MPS manager reviews the inventory positions on the daily basis and then go for receiving the lot from the pipeline inventory. This indicates that they are maintaining the pipeline inventory. It helps them reduce the lot size to be stocked at warehouse. BATB Inventory includes: Finished goods Bled sets Filter rods Wrapping materials Leaf Tax stamps Bandle rolls The study is mainly focused on the leaf. Because this is the major concern in any cigarette manufacturing company as it holds the maximum cycle time. We will work with the raw materials inventory. Mainly BATB has two types of materials. These are wrapping material and Tobacco. They receive raw materials from both local and foreign suppliers. Foreign suppliers are mainly from Brazil, Argentina, Canada, South Africa and Zimbabwe. For local suppliers average lead-time is 10 to 15 days and for the foreign suppliers lead-time is 90 to 120 days. Leaf is supplied by both the local and foreign supplier. But ignoring the local leaf as it takes less time, we will take the imported leaf in account to analyze. Leaf Strategy Leaf is an agricultural plant, which must be cultivated, and it needs certain period to get matured. Therefore the ordering policy of leaf is very time consuming. They have to place the order very early of the time it is needed to arrive. Suppose they need 1000-ton leaf in the month of April 2008, they inform their supplier right now that is in the month of April 2007, so that they can cultivate the leaf and then deliver. In addition, it is to be mentioned that just after the arrival in the warehouse the leaf is not as ready as to be used for production. It goes under another certain period of time for maturation and then is under for production. But if we talk about the lead-time it will include only the days between order placements to arrival at warehouse. 5. SAFETY STOCK Usually one does not know precisely the number of units that will be demanded each day during the lead-time. The duration of lead-time may have unexplained or unexpected variation. Demand can be thought of a probabilistic variable with some expected amount of demand during a period of time and unexplained variations about the expected value. If inventory could be replenished one a moments notice there would be no reason to be concerned about demand uncertainty. Whenever inventory reached zero, stock would be held again. With some lead time between the placement of an order an its arrival, however there is a chance that demand will be greater than expected and loss will be incurred due to stockout. When stockout costs are high and demand is very unpredictable, the financial risk is sizable. Safety stock is a means of protection against this risk. Safety stock (SS) is established simply by raising the reorder level above the expected lead-time demand. For probabilistic demand during le ad-time, the reorder level is given by the following equation where represents the mean demand per unit of time. [1] RL= ( ÃÆ'Æ’- LT) + SS Safety stock is the average amount one hand when replenishment orders arrive. Sometime demand during the lead-time is less than expected extra stock is on hand. Sometimes demand is greater than expected and some of the safety stock is used. 6. Methodology Step 1: Conducting a primary survey. Step 2: Preparing primary questionnaire Step 3: Modification of the questionnaire Open-ended questions: This type of questions found out the view of the decisions makers out for gathering information regarding the subject topic. Close-ended questions: These types of questions were designed to extract information which are related to the preparation of a realistic forecast: Step 4: Performing the case study and conducting the interview Step 5: Data processing and analysis 6.1 Demand Forecasting Strategy Demand manager receives the sales history of the previous 4/5 years. He observes the trend that every month undergoes. There are some seasonal impacts in the cigarette market. But overall the market is a stable one. Following the trend of previous 4/5 years and considering the marketing activities, the demand manager goes for a rolling forecast over the next 18 months. The term rolling here implies that the forecast is updated every month for the next 18 months. Stable Trend-up Trend-down Figure 2: Trends of Demand By this, the demand manager feels flexible enough to consider any new promotional activity or any assumption from the marketing department and any seasonal impact, which has not been included earlier. The main focus of forecasting is based on the trend. If the trend is decreasing the forecasted sales goes down and vice versa. 6.2. Findings Imported leaf stock: Year end 2008 imported leaf stock was 317 million Taka Average 2008 leaf stock was 334 million Taka (~ 4 months duration) Currently, they are following an inventory policy of maintaining a 90 day safety stock which varies in quantity and value terms over the year with fluctuation in demand. 7. ANALYSIS The assumptions presented in the chapter two have been considered applicable to develop the EOQ for the imported leaf. Considerations: Grade: AN30/104S Demand in Kg/Month: Annual Demand = 152000 Kg Holding Cost = 32 TK/ Kg Ordering Cost = 700 TK (Assumed) EOQ =ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€¹Ã¢â‚¬  Ãƒâ€¦Ã‚ ¡ (2DS/H) = ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€¹Ã¢â‚¬  Ãƒâ€¦Ã‚ ¡ ((2*152000*700)/32) =. 75Kgs Kgs 7.1 HOW MUCH TO ORDER The analysis shows that the company should order 2579 kg for the particular grade each time, a quality that should be result in 58.93 cycles per year. Actually, the equation derived doesnt result in actual lot size that must be ordered. This will help to manage lot size and inventory control. The current moves towards the inventory cost and quantities, stress the importance in reducing lot size. That means to reducing lot sizes is to reduce setup time and cost. When smaller lots are run, holding cost is reduced. The point is to understand the logic and where to apply it. The effect on order size resulting from reducing setup cost is shows in the following figure. When the setup cost is reduced, the total cost curve shifts from TC1 to TC2. Correspondingly, the EOQ is reduced from EOQ1 to EOQ2 and the maximum total cost is reduced from TC1min to TC2min.[3] Figure 6: Effect of reduced set up cost on order size and total cost 7.2. Reorder level The order quantity and reorder level are interrelated. A large order quantity causes fewer replenishment cycles with fewer exposures to stockout, so the reorder level can be reduced, and vice versa. Theoretically, we would have to find simultaneous solutions to equations for Q and RL to find their normal values. The value of D, S and H are only estimates, and the value of the EOQ will be approximate whether or not an adjustment is made for the expected stockout cost. Consequently, as often as done, we disregard the interrelationship between Q and RL. We solve for the EOQ, ignoring its effect on stockout cost, and then we find the best reorder level for this value of Q. Assumptions: Highest Service Level Factor corresponding to 99.99% satisfaction level used though recommended maximum level is usually 98%; this results in a more than 50% higher safety stock ii) Safety Stock calculated using standard deviation of actual demand rather than variance between forecast and actual giving higher levels of safety buffer. iii) Lead time taken to be 4 months for all grades whereas actual lead time is considerably less providing greater safety stock to cover variation in demand during lead time. Calculation: RL = L + z Where, RL =Reorder Point in Units, =Average Demand Per Time Period, L = Lead Time,Z = No. of Standard Deviation for a Specified Service Level,= Standard Deviation of Usages during Lead Time Annual Demand =152000 kgs Average Demand/Per Month =12666.66 L= 4 Months Z = 99.99% = ÃÆ' Ãƒâ€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢d = ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€¹Ã¢â‚¬  Ãƒâ€¦Ã‚ ¡ (ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€¹Ã¢â‚¬  Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å" (di-dÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€¹Ã¢â‚¬  Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢) 2/12), in a range from i-1 to 12 =ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€¹Ã¢â‚¬  Ãƒâ€¦Ã‚ ¡ (31066666.66/12) =1609.00 Therefore, = =1609* =3218 From the above calculation RL can be determined as follows: RL = 12666.66 * 4 + 4*3218 =50666.64 + 12872 =63538.64 This says that when the stock on hand gets down to 60610.26 kgs order should be placed. 7.3. Level of Safety Stock Safety stock= =4*3218 =12872 It results to a safety stock of 31 days, as the daily demand is 416.43 kgs. But theoretically it is applicable for the particular grade. Though the other grades do not involve so much variation in their demand, considering some logistic capabilities for the overall improved leaf the proposed safety stock is 50 days. This will allow for flexibility during roll out of new safety stock polling while guarding against unanticipated changes in sales and supply scenarios. The reason for proposing this amount of safety stock is to protect much against the uncertainty of demand. Because there may be a situation that for a sudden change in demands the system may not be flexible enough to meet the change from the calculated safety stock. This is due to demand forecasting that takes place over a long period and the order is placed for a particular month very early of the situation it experiences the change in its demand. So immediately it is not possible for the system to respond the sudden change in demand. For this, proper level of safety stock should be placed in a company for its smooth operation. Another fact is that the lead time from order placement to arrival at warehouse involves some events over which the proper control is not possible. The following section represents the impact of reduction of safety stock and then the analysis of lead time is shown. It is to be mentioned that the more the lead times the more the level of safety stock. Therefor e the lead time calculation is an important factor for the placement of safety stock. 7.4. BENEFITS CALCULATION GRADE: AN30/104S Annual consumption = 152000kgs 90 days safety stock = 38000kgs 50 days safety stock = 21111.11 Therefore, WC Reduction = (38000-21111.11)*165 =2.78 million Taka 7.5. OFFSHORE STOCK COST CALCULATION Reduction in safety stock = 16888.89 kgs This amount of excess stock will be held at supplier premises for a maximum additional period of 12 months. Holding cost at BATB @ 12% = 16888.89ÃÆ'Æ’-135.11ÃÆ'Æ’-12% =273823 Taka Holding cost at supplier @ 7.2% + Excess Duty =16888.89 ÃÆ'Æ’- 135.11 ÃÆ'Æ’- 7.2% ÃÆ'Æ’- 1.22 =200439 Taka Therefore, Savings =73384 Taka 8. IMPACT OF REDUCED LEVEL OF SAFETY STOCK ON WC Proposed Safety Stock based on lead-time, variability in demand during 2006 and desired service level indicates a substantially lower requirement of safety stock even with very conservative assumptions Using 2007 volumes this would translate to reducing imported leaf stock from an average of 322.60 Million TK. to about 179.18 Million TK. Jan 08 Feb08 Mar 08 Apr 08 May 08 Jun 08 Aug08 9. LEAD TIME ANALYSIS It has been already mentioned that the more the lead time the more the safety stock. Lead time involves the total time from the order placement to arrival at warehouse Figure 7: Supply Lead Time We can develop a pie chart highlighting the time taken on a percentage basis by different events that take place from order placement to arrival at warehouse. Symbols Events Average % A TIME TAKEN BW ORD PLACE PRO INVOICE REC 14.75 7 B TIME TAKEN BW LC REQUIEST 10.93 5 C NO. OF DAYS SPENT B/W LC SHIPMENT DATE 38.90 19 D ARRIVAL IN CTG (ACTUAL SHIPMENT ETA CTG) 35.10 17 E DAYS REQD CTG TO ICD 6.05 3 F DAYS REQD ICD TO WAREHOUSE 8.58 4 Table 1: Lead Time Analysis The pie chart shows that a major part of the time from order placement to arrival at warehouse involves the events C and D over which the control cannot be held so easily. They involve some complex as well as time taking procedures. But in case of the rest of the events different action can be issued very effectively. Figure 8: Events placed on Warehouse (Percentage basis) In addition there are some recommendations for reducing the lead-time in the next chapter. 10. RECOMMENDATION As the analysis shows that the company can reduce the level of safety stock, the first phase of recommendation represents how it can be carried out and the later phase defines the steps, which should be proper monitored and controlled with a view to, maintain an optimized inventory management system. This will enable to obtain an effective safety stock level. Allowing Inventory Policy Exceptions for certain grades to satisfy requirements for blend changes and brain launches. Reviewing and improving the order tracking process as necessary. Monitoring orders, delivery performance and safety stock policy adhere continually. Gradually moving to safety stock of 2.5 months and then to 50 days, with 6 months duration difference. Holding the excess stock at the supplier premises. Locating the inventory at different points in the pipeline rather to hold much in the warehouses. The following steps should be performed in order to implement the recommend actions: Developing operational excellence in demand forecasting so that there will be fewer surprises. Cutting the lead-time to reduce the demand uncertainty during lead time. Reducing the supplier uncertainty. Supplier reliability can be increased by sharing the production plans with them, permitting them to make more realistic forecast. Improving the logistics capability by planning the infrastructure to meet demand, then implementing and controlling the physical flows of material and final goods from points of origin to points of use. 11. CONCLUSION It has been revealed that the traditional inventory management system needs some modification depending on the situation or the operating environment, while inventory is management by a company. The different inventory models provide a different set of capabilities and opportunities to exploit different competitive priorities. Some members of different industries and consulting firms have already started to criticize classical inventory models seem fashionable. But prior to the operating conditions different classical inventory models can be considered as the decision making tools that will enable a company to take its step under conflicting pressure. All the system needs is proper integration of operation and business. This will smooth the flow of information and thereby implementation of such models would be openhanded.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

A Guide to Essay Samples for Ibps Po Mains

<h1>A Guide to Essay Samples for Ibps Po Mains </h1> <p>Take a gander at the IBPS Clerk Syllabus for Computer Knowledge to discover progressively about the subjects which you must cover. Sexual orientation is a piece of the more extensive socio-social setting. </p> <p>Both the tests will be run in web mode. These inquiries resemble the inquiries posed by IBPS in the earlier test and will be very important for the understudies to take a gander at their arrangement level for the test. These riddles resemble the inquiries posed by IBPS in the earlier test and will be very useful for the understudies to prepare for the test. </p> <p>Candidates can utilize the test design for extra reference. Tests, you can see Oliveboard's talk about gathering. SBI PO Mains Exam will be led in two or three weeks. IBPS PO Mains Exam experienced bunches of changes this previous year. </p> <p>Write an incredible article, and ensure that you beat the opposition. Perhaps you will have around 15-18 minutes to form a paper. Your exposition must be least 500 words. This example articles exhibit the types of inquiries that you will confront and the best approach to structure your expositions properly.</p> <p>Furthermore, it's nearly less complex to create a letter as it must be short and fresh though in an exposition one must set up different focuses and clarify or break down them. Or on the other hand our remark segment is given beneath. You should investigate the focuses given underneath. </p> <p>In end, there are numerous estimates which may be taken to upgrade the lives of elderly people. Furthermore, free monetary counsel should be made accessible to resigned individuals so the pressure of agonizing over cash could be diminished so far as could be expected under the circumstances. For some older people, the last segment of their life isn't a chance to unwind and enjoy retirement, however rather a hard and troubled period, because of monetary concerns, bombing wellbeing and forlornness. The lives of old people may likewise be improved if endeavors were made to manage the issue of social separation which so a ton of them face. </p> <p>In case you have any inquiry don't spare a moment to post your remarks underneath. Verify that you don't disregard this area. Something else, do the technique once more. Snap on the previously mentioned connection to locate the best thoughts for setting up this segment. </p> <h2> Essay Samples for Ibps Po Mains Explained</h2> <p>If no word limit is provided, endeavor to confine your exposition to around 250-300 words. Letter composing is only one of the regular theme in Descriptive composition, which is very simple for practically the entirety of the competitors. Keep up the incredible work and continue composing, you're acceptable at it. After you have organized your composition, disposed of undesirable points of interest and checked to guarantee there are no syntactic errors, it's presently time to obtain your composing broke down from another person. </p> <p>The impact of the test is a legitimacy rundown of the entirety of the applicants who tied down the negli gible imprints important to qualify the test. Along these lines, the present post is made for the job of conveying you with IBPS PO prospectus definite guide so as to split the test without trouble. Competitors that are planning for bank tests should have illustrative composing abilities. IBPS PO Mains 2019 concede card has the data about the assessment place and detailing time for those competitors. </p> <h2>Top Essay Samples for Ibps Po Mains Choices </h2> <p>Accordingly, to handle joblessness, rural pain should be overseen as well. The specialists won't be obligated to make up at the cost of a recorder. India is an immense nation with an enormous populace. It is where there are various old vehicles which are running on modest energizes are wandering openly inside urban communities. </p> <h2> All About Essay Samples for Ibps Po Mains </h2> <p>A assortment of steps are taken so far however alluring outcome has not yet been acquired. Y ou ought to happen after the Step by step procedure to create an incredible paper to score well in the test. It is essential to comprehend that nobody gets a corridor ticket through the post. Adhere to a methodical way to deal with substantial your answer bit by bit. </p> <h2> The Most Popular Essay Samples for Ibps Po Mains</h2> <p>You will find paper design in every last one of the before 2013 was unique, the purpose for that will be that around then IBPS was all the while advancing and endeavoring to think about a typical example. The length of the Main test along with the English enlightening paper was expanded to 3 hours 30 minutes. </p> <p>Looking at ielts exposition subjects with answers is an enormous strategy to help you to prepare for the test. Attempt our hiset exposition practice question to prepare for this piece of the composing test. So with this post, you will get anything you desire to comprehend about IBPS PO prospectus As all of you perceive that the piece of a schedule in a test is something which can't be ignored. In view of the most recent years' paper examination, the crucial subjects and points are recorded inside this post. </p>

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Essay Writing Sites - A Sign Of Success

Exposition Writing Sites - A Sign Of SuccessYou more likely than not caught wind of online paper composing destinations, those locales that offer free administrations to compose your papers on the web. Do you recognize what is the fundamental explanation behind these online article composing sites?Mainly they exist to produce pay for the proprietors of these online paper composing locales. So as to acquire pay the proprietors of these online paper composing destinations charge you a specific measure of cash for composing your article. Yet, consider the possibility that you don't have any extra cash?It would be a misuse of cash as you won't have the option to utilize these online paper composing destinations. There are bunches of online paper composing locales accessible in the market and you should venture to pick the one that suits your necessities. Be that as it may, before choosing a site, you ought to know about the amount you are charged.There are a few locales that charge you f or each word you compose. These destinations charge you high sum per word and may go as high as hundreds and thousands of dollars for a similar measure of words. Notwithstanding, on the off chance that you choose to pick the free paper composing locales, you will get immense investment funds and a great deal of time to spend on other things.The advantage of selecting free exposition composing destinations is that they will offer you some fundamental help with the goal that you can set aside cash. A few destinations offer fundamental composing administrations free. You simply need to give them your content and they will give you composing tips and punctuation support with the goal that you can finish your task easily.Most of the online paper composing destinations will offer you exposition altering administrations and this is extremely advantageous. In the event that you end up rehashing a great deal of words and accentuation marks, you can generally request that the site proprietor right it for you. This will assist you with sparing time as you can concentrate on other progressively significant issues. Before choosing a site, you ought to likewise think about the notoriety of the site. You should check the surveys of the site that you need to pick. A large portion of the well known sites are very expensive and subsequently, just those destinations that have great notoriety are availed.Now you realize that the primary purpose behind the presence of these article composing locales isn't just to bring in cash yet in addition to improve the aptitudes of the individuals. In spite of the fact that the facts demonstrate that a few authors get paid through the free destinations, huge numbers of the great essayists win a tolerable sum through these locales. Along these lines, be cautious and select a decent site.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Show and Tell Ideas For College Students

Show and Tell Ideas For College StudentsShow and Tell Ideas for College Students - When a student takes a class, the most common first impression a teacher makes on a student is in the classroom environment. A classroom environment can be transformed to provide a more personal experience with a variety of show and tell ideas for college students.Room Decorating Ideas - A bright orange walls, posters, and artwork that feature a collage-style design, or a simple collection of portraits are a couple ideas for a fun room decorating exercise. A large framed portrait of a school mascot, or a quirky photo-based wallpaper in the shape of a school mascot, is an excellent way to give an intimate feel to a college room. Of course, try to avoid spending too much money on expensive school logos and images!Room Wallpaper Ideas - Many students enjoy a colorful pattern on their walls and ceilings. Try a favorite cartoon character or sporting team. Also, using color for accents is a great way to add excitement to a room. It's a great idea to use a bold and contrasting color, or a color that contrasts the current decor.New Textured Flooring - If you are in the planning stages of your remodeling project, and are considering changing the texture or color of your flooring, you may want to consider a show and tell ideas for college students. Soft slate or tile, or even cork or wood flooring in a light pattern, or an interesting range of colors such as gold, red, blue, or green, can give a class room or large hall a unique touch.Using Lamps and Ceiling Lights - The lighting in a classroom or large space can add a sense of light, air, and energy. Candles or chandeliers provide dramatic or unique effect. Wall sconces can illuminate a room, and ceiling lights can create a certain feeling. Shining Lights - Some students love the look of bright, glowing mirrors and fixtures, so you might want to add some of those show and tell ideas for college students to your decorating plan. Bathroom f ixtures also work well, especially when they have more than one function, such as a bathroom sink that doubles as a vanity or shoe rack. Mains with in-wall lights also make great show and tell ideas for college students.Wallpaper or Borders - Using popular decorating ideas for college students, like bookmarks, headstones, or ribbons, can add a personal touch to your wall. You can use school logo stickers, or border designs, or even create a true collage style, or arrange pieces in small groups to create interesting visual and reading patterns.Student Rooms are no longer just a boring, average room, but can be turned into a unique room. Create an individualistic environment that will bring the students closer together, while keeping them excited about being in a room that is unique and fun!

Friday, May 22, 2020

Using a Term Writing Service

<h1>Using a Term Writing Service</h1><p>Term composing administrations are currently getting exceptionally basic in numerous organizations. On the off chance that you need more opportunity to fulfill time constraints or you need to work online for an extensive stretch of time, you may settle on this sort of administration. There are a wide range of sorts of term composing administrations accessible and this article will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each one.</p><p></p><p>Many little organizations nowadays are utilizing remote helpers for composing their assignments. A remote helper can sit at home and do assignments for you as they are modified to do as such. They can likewise email you reports that you may need to see that week.</p><p></p><p>Using a remote helper for composing your research project will spare you a great deal of time. You might have the option to do the task toward the end of the wee k when you have all the more leisure time. You likewise won't need to stress over being late for your gathering. The menial helper will email you a task when you finish it.</p><p></p><p>Using a remote helper for your research project may assist with keeping you from tarrying on the grounds that you won't need to be driving yourself to the workplace regular. This could help you in completing more while having all the more free time.</p><p></p><p>However, you will most likely wind up accomplishing more work by doing your research paper online in light of the fact that there is a wide scope of assignments accessible and you can pick which ones fit your needs. You can likewise get quite certain in the assignments that you require on the grounds that you can set it up online.</p><p></p><p>Even however you might have the option to spare time by working on the web for a significant stretch of time, you will at present should be available when you start your research project. A menial helper can remain at home and complete the assignments for you however that won't help on the off chance that you can't make it to the workplace on schedule, since you were simply working on the web. This is the reason it's smarter to do the exploration on which organization gives the best term composing administration for you.</p><p></p><p>In end, you may need to consider with regards to doing an online research project. This is on the grounds that you are typically the person who will be approached to finish the task. You ought to guarantee that you locate the privilege online research paper composing administration for you.</p>

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Writing Workshop - A Tale Of Two Paragraphs

<h1>Writing Workshop - A Tale Of Two Paragraphs</h1><p>An significant piece of a school level composing workshop is to assist understudies with composing their first story exposition, a life story or a true to life article. At the point when you set up the understudies to go into these themes just because, you have to focus on how they compose their first bit of composing on these topics.</p><p></p><p>There are a wide range of things that can hinder the learning procedure recorded as a hard copy. Some of them are subliminal, however most are something that you can do to control your composition and make it stream better. The thing to look out for here is the length of the primary section of the article.</p><p></p><p>When you initially acquaint yourself with a passage that is excessively long, you have just two options. You can either cut your passages or toss out that section out and out. So as to enable your understud ies to keep the primary passage short, you have in the first place a pleasant starting section. What I mean by that will be that you should forget about a portion of the subtleties from the past section so you can utilize it as a bouncing off point for the start of the paragraph.</p><p></p><p>In a similar way, you should ensure that the main passage is brief and to the point. It should catch the understudies' eye and show why this is an extraordinary open door for them to find out about a person or thing. One approach to achieve this is to utilize a lot of italics. This is the manner by which to compose a decent initial paragraph.</p><p></p><p>Once you have a presentation that establishes a decent connection, proceed onward to the following passage. As I referenced previously, this is the place you will acquaint the understudy with an individual or spot, so you need to present the individual such that grabs their eye without getting in to an excessive amount of detail.</p><p></p><p>This way, when the section proceeds onward, the peruser will know who they are seeing and what they are going to peruse. What you would prefer not to do is have the peruser discover something that they don't perceive. You should begin the following passage with an inquiry or reason and afterward work forward.</p><p></p><p>During the sections that follow, you need to give the understudy more data about the individual or spot they are finding out about. When you find that the story is just indicating one component, it's essential to guide the perusers' focus toward the way that more is coming. Keep the data streaming easily and you'll have the option to address any inquiries that may emerge after the article is finished.</p><p></p><p>Those are only a couple of tips that you ought to remember for your composing workshop on composing account expositions. Regardless of w hether you know nothing about true to life composing, there are a lot of different themes that you can cover in a composing workshop.</p>

Saturday, May 16, 2020

A Research Study On Autism / Spectrum Disorder - 888 Words

The little boy who is constantly clapping his hands, humming his favorite song, and is seemingly enjoying the world much more than the rest of us, is one of many children in the United States with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism or ASD is a spectrum disorder, meaning that it has a wide range of ways that it affects each person. While every child diagnosed with autism encounters different personal challenges, many share similar difficulties with social interactions, communication skills, appropriate behavior, and empathy. The American Academy of Pediatrics estimated that in 2007 over 673,000 US children had ASD (Prevalence). As more children in the US are being diagnosed with ASD, it is important to understand the contributing factors, learn the early signs, and recognize how to effectively treat this disorder. Although researchers and doctors are unable to detect a singular factor that causes ASD, they have found that there are a variety of factors that contribute its development. However, recent studies have shown that environmental factors are playing a huge role in the diagnosis. Not only does having a family history of ASD increase one’s risk, researchers have started to recognize specific genes that can increase it even more. Fragile X syndrome has been linked to ASD because it is an inherited condition that is peculiarly vulnerable to damage when paired with folic acid deficiency or lack of vitamin B while in the womb. Individuals who suffer from Fragile X SyndromeShow MoreRelatedA Research Study On Autism Spectrum Disorder Essay1686 Words   |  7 PagesAutism Spectrum Disorder The autism spectrum is very wide ranging and includes many symptoms. It goes from one or two mild developmental abnormalities all the way up to a person needing a lifetime of care. There are many contributors for autism however, researchers have not found the single cause of autism, and with that, they have not found a cure or accurate prevention methods. It has been found that children who have a sibling with ASD are much more likely to have it, which gives researchersRead MoreA Research Study On Autism Spectrum Disorder1896 Words   |  8 PagesAutism Spectrum Disorder, more commonly referred to as Autism, affects one out of 68 chil-dren and young adults (Autism Science Foundation, 2016). The spectrum ranges from mild to severe. While there are set characteristic traits to determine whether or not a person is autistic, these traits vary tremendously among different people; no two autistic children are alike. The traits these individuals possess and the actions caused by the chara cteristic, influence how other family members and caregiversRead MoreA Research Study On Autism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd )1140 Words   |  5 PagesAccording to Purdue Owl, a research paper is defined as â€Å"the culmination and final product of an involved process of research, critical thinking, source evaluation, organization, and composition.† The preliminary and most important step of writing a research paper is, unsurprisingly, the research itself as it provides the writer the essential information to create the paper. In the past, collecting information required hours of pulling information from journals and books that had to be first evaluatedRead MoreThe Theory Of Mind : A Research Study Into Autism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd )1830 Words   |  8 Pagesexamined by exploring research into Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), indicating a link between deficits in ToM and cognitive empathy. Finally, relationship conflict will be discussed showing the cognitive processes, peopl e use in these circumstances, which create mindreading difficulties in people who do not generally have a problem with it. An aspect of ToM is false belief. A false belief is the understanding that other people will have different beliefs to one’s own. Studies have shown that falseRead MoreLanguage Comprehension And Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder845 Words   |  4 Pagesthis particular research article written by Sara T. Kover, Eileen Haebig, Ashley Oakes, Andrea McDuffie, Randi J. Hagman, and Leonard Abbeduto there has been a broadly characterized ideal that there may be a particular impairment of language comprehension in children with autism spectrum disorder. So, in order to build upon this profile, the purpose of this study was to differentiate between lexically and syntactically based difficulties in school age boys with autism spectrum disorder, alongside aRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder And Autism Essay1474 Words   |  6 Pagesan abundant amount of research done on abnormal diseases to understand the causes, functions, and effects or the diseases. One of the most widely known abnormal disorders is Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism is a complicated disorder because it represents a wide range of developmental disorders categorized by criteria such as: impaired social interactions, verbal and nonverbal communication breakdowns, and repetitive behaviors. Since Autism Spectrum Disorder is on a spectrum, as the name suggestsRead MoreAutism Spectrum, Asperger, And Pervasive Development Disorder1519 Words   |  7 PagesThe autism spectrum consists of three main disorders, autism, Asperger s, and pervasive development disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS). One issue regarding disorders on the autism spectrum is the minimal research funding for them. While treatable diseases are heavily studied due to the search for a cure, the disorders on the autism spectrum cannot be treated. The complication of limited funding is that people are not dealing with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) correctly, which worsens theRead MoreThe Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, places autism in a more1000 Words   |  4 Pages The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, places autism in a more extensive diagnostic bracket called autism spectrum disorder. This encompasses a range of autism- related disorders that vary in severity. It is one of the most severe, chronic, behavioral disorders of childhood. Swiss psychiatrist Eugene Bleuler referred to autistic disorder as an unusual way of thinking among people with schizophrenia. A more in-depth explanation of autistic thinking is the propensityRead MoreA Research Topic On Autism Spectrum Disorder Essay965 Words   |  4 PagesResearch Topic: NEW 9-28-16 Ariel Robinson Autism Spectrum Disorder is a developmental disorder that displays characteristics of impairments in social interactions and communication, obsessive interests, and repetitive behaviors.1 The DSM-5 characterizes Autism Spectrum Disorder as range of symptoms with varying severity, hence the term â€Å"spectrum†.2 Currently, scientists do not know the exact cause of autism. However, it is agreed upon that the underlying cause is highly likely to be influencedRead MoreLanguage Delays And Autism Spectrum Disorder1632 Words   |  7 Pages Language Delays in Autism Spectrum Disorder Bethany Perez Colorado State University Autism spectrum disorder is caused by abnormalities in the brain. Many children that qualify under the autism spectrum disorder, often experience developmental delays in three areas of development. Socially/emotionally, as well as cognitively, children with ASD are unable to progress at a normal rate of development compared to their peers. The level of communication due to language delays can be severely

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Tips on Research Paper Writing

<h1>Tips on Research Paper Writing</h1><p>The initial phase recorded as a hard copy a decent research paper is to settle on what sort of data you need to compose. So as to do this, you should investigate your theme. When you have chosen the topic, you can start setting up the design of your paper.</p><p></p><p>You should remember that the principle points for explore papers are generally introduced on a proposition, utilizing models. After you have chosen the subject of your paper, you ought to decide whether your point will be more for understudies or for experts. Recollect that you have to realize how to deal with these subjects, so your examination paper won't disappoint.</p><p></p><p>When it comes to composing research papers, there are numerous sorts of composing, for example, articles, reports, online journals, and other progressively down to earth data. By and large, articles and reports are composed direct. Non etheless, you should take a stab at trying different things with a couple of progressively complex tasks, for example, blog composing or workshop descriptions.</p><p></p><p>Writing different kinds of composing is really simpler. That is the reason you should attempt to sharpen your composing aptitudes. This is the most ideal approach to ensure that your undertaking isn't only a basic layout that you will never need to compose proposals from. Continuously attempt to follow this example: attempt to utilize basic words and articulations, however you should include thoughts when needed.</p><p></p><p>Writing instructional exercises can be hard, yet they are likewise fun. In the event that you intend to compose instructional exercises, you should have a go at composing an extremely direct and clear article. You would then be able to attempt to join your very own portion thoughts and information into the article.</p><p></p>& lt;p>Research paper composing has consistently been testing. For the most part, you should set aside effort to consider each word you compose. It is something imperative to recollect that exploration papers consistently should be composed by the rules. It isn't adequate to keep in touch with them dependent on your own judgment.</p><p></p><p>Take bit of leeway of scholastic assets. This is significant particularly with regards to inquiring about. There are a great deal of online assets that can assist you with data. You should simply be cautious about picking the assets, since try not to surge while picking them.</p><p></p><p>In composing your exploration paper, you should focus on what you peruse and tune in. You can generally get motivation from specific sources. Simply be wary about how you approach it.</p>

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Top Choices of Usc Mba Application Essay Samples

<h1> Top Choices of Usc Mba Application Essay Samples</h1> <h2> Whatever They Told You About Usc Mba Application Essay Samples Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why </h2> <p>Do not be reluctant to utilize distinctive expert examples to be certain you're on the best possible way. Protein is the thing that our hair fingernail skin are made out of, and once we have lost it, our hair gains hard to power. Your aspirationsnew or originalneed to be an image of a convincing movement of the development you've accomplished in the past schedule year. </p> <p>The school can be found in the usa. It's imperative to comprehend what USC offers, so you're ready to talk about how those assets and offices can allow you to achieve your inclinations or bolster your examinations in a specific field. For example, on the off chance that you try to work in a zone or position for which Marshall isn't known to have especially solid courses, teachers, or different contribution s, or when you have to work for an association that doesn't have any enlisting history with the program, it may not be the best alternative to get you where you wish to go quickly. Our workplaces are in the usa and in. </p> <h2> What You Should Do About Usc Mba Application Essay Samples Starting in the Next Three Minutes</h2> <p>By considering the genuine notes specialists have left, what's more, it can enable you to realize what sorts of inquiries individuals will present about your article. All things considered, with no sort of MBA application help, you may feel as though you're swimming in an unending ocean of exposition subjects and individuals endeavoring to educate you the best approach to apply. On the off chance that you are looking for a brisk school application article help, you're at the ideal spot. In case you will get in the school you had always wanted, you ought to consider how to make an application article that stands apart from the group. & lt;/p> <p>You'll just must be somewhat progressively cautious to hold under as far as possible. In addition, the expositions that follow are well on the way to flexibly comfort, that there's no equation or solitary way to deal with make a prosperous answer. Your objective inside this short exposition is hence to exhibit you do for sure have aplan, not simply broad desire. The interpretation ought to be given directly from the school itself or by a master, affirmed interpreter. </p> <p>Olin Graduate School of Business utilizes an application framework which encourages the. Two or three candidates could be allowed a GMAT waiver. Confirmations officials need to realize what energizes you. Understudies have occupied existences and often disregard a coming cutoff time. </p> <p>Make certain your recommender realizes this by providing a proposal letter MBA test for a guide. To stand out from a significant number of candidates, your school application paper must be sol id, unmistakable and inventive. Every candidate must answer paper addresses that are remembered for the on-line application structure, to show your potential as a talented MBA understudy. Hence, numerous understudies and workers choose to buy reasonable article instead of composing it themselves. </p> <p>On our site, you can gain the perfect grant application exposition in two or three ticks. Sight and sound entries should be under 5 minutes. At the point when you're composing your very own announcement for MBA programs, you are going to need to guarantee your record is truly perfect. </p> <p>Taking the help of a profession advisor is an incredible decision. Get your work done about the program you have to apply. If so, you realize you have responded to the inquiry obviously. Next, in case you're certain of yourself, you are presently ready to rehearse with test questions. </p>

Friday, May 8, 2020

How to Write an Excellent Interview Question Essay

How to Write an Excellent Interview Question EssayWriting an excellent interview question essay is vital to your job search. You need to show that you have the needed skills for the position and that you have everything needed to be successful at the position. So, it is important to prepare the correct question for the interview.To start with, you need to decide on what type of interview question essay you will need to write. This is easy, as there are many available for you to choose from. In fact, you can either choose to write about yourself or you can write about someone else. These questions may ask you to talk about yourself and your experiences.There are many ways to approach a question for an interview, so you must be prepared for them. If you are asked a question about yourself, you must present the most positive image possible. Presenting a negative image could get you laughed at or not taken seriously. If you want to make a good impression, you need to present yourself in the best light possible.You should always remember that the interviewer is not going to read the question for an interview question essay. They are looking for you to give them information about your skills and abilities. You will only be able to do this if you are able to explain the answer to the question. To do this, you will need to find interesting answers to the questions you are asked.One of the best ways to approach a question for an interview question essay is to use the main point of the question. The key point of the question may be something like: what do you do? What are your strengths? Your weaknesses? You should present these in an interesting way so that the interviewer will get what they are looking for.There are many different types of questions that an interviewer may ask. It is important to know which type of question to include in your essay. Often, they will ask you questions relating to the type of job that you have applied for. They may also ask you about pre vious jobs, your experience, education, etc.If you want to make a great impression, you will need to be prepared to answer each and every question that comes your way. The better prepared you are for these questions, the more likely you are to be successful. Therefore, it is important to prepare a good interview question essay.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

the jungle Essay - 1116 Words

Upton Sinclair was the most famous of the American â€Å"muckraker† journalists. He was born in Baltimore, Maryland on September 20, 1878. Although his family was poor, Sinclair was able to earn money as a writer from a very early age, and was able to save enough money to go to college. He attended the city college of New York and graduated from there with a B.A. degree. Soon after he went to Columbia University to graduate school. It was there that he began writing full-length novels with important social themes. His novels showed that he was concerned with the conditions of working people. During the early part of the twentieth century businesses had very little to restrain them and working class unions were not nearly as common as they are†¦show more content†¦The conditions of work are inhuman, and the workers are treated equally bad. Jurgis’s father is only able to get a job after bribing the boss of the pickling room in a meatpacking plant. The conditions are horrible and in the end kill the old man. Winter brings fresh cruelties. Walking to work in the snow is difficult, the factories are unheated, and for Jurgis the killing beds are fraught with danger due to poor visibility. Marija, however, is soon plunged into gloom when she loses her well-paid job when the canning factory closes down. Marija’s factory re-opens, but she soon loses her job for demanding her rights when she is shorted on her pay. Ona, who is pregnant, is facing trouble at work from her forelady. She realizes that her boss runs a prostitution racket and forcibly uses the girls working at the factory. Ona gives birth to a baby boy, Antanas, names after Jurgis’s father, who has passed away. Weakened by the delivery and forced to return to work within seven days, Ona never recovers her health. Jurgis then sprains an ankle at work, but it turns out to be a pulled tendon and keeps him from work for almost 3 months. During his time of recovery he sees that his family might not make it. He is finally able to work again and gets a job at a horribly unhealthy fertilizer plant. He copes with this job by giving into drinking to help him forget about his problems. Winter comes again and everyone must workShow MoreRelated The Jungle1075 Words   |  5 Pages The Jungle Essay nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair, clearly depicts the socio-economic strife and political turpitude that ushered America into the 20th century. While telling the story of Lithuanian immigrants struggling to survive in Chicago, Sinclair illustrates how avarice and ruthless competition were driving forces in the exploitational predatory capitalist  ³jungle ² of American  ³society ² at the turn of the century. This radical novel, described as muckraking by PresidentRead MoreThe Jungle1982 Words   |  8 PagesRunning Head: THE JUNGLE The Jungle [Writer Name] [Institute Name] The Jungle Thesis Statement In this novel Upton Sinclair shows the problems of working class people. His believe in and contempt for capitalism as described in this story â€Å"The Jungle†. The writer explains capitalism in which the labor communities were treated very badly and to survive in the conditions of poverty. The novel rotates around the family of a character Jurgis Rudkus who have immigrated to America from Lithuania. AsRead MoreThe Jungle Analysis1641 Words   |  7 PagesCorruption, lies, adultery, politics, and death are all topics addressed in Upton Sinclair’s 1906 novel The Jungle. The book reveals the atrocities that occurred during the early 1900’s in Chicago’s cruel and disgusting meatpacking district. The Jungle chronicles the struggle of a Lithuanian family that came to America with dreams of making their riches and passing it on to their descendants. Analysis of the novel reveals a recurring theme of how desperation makes people do horrible things such asRead More The Jungle Essay774 Words   |  4 Pages The Jungle by Upton Sinclair Upton Sinclairs The Jungle is the tale of a Lithuanian immigrant, Jurgis Rudkus, and his family. Jurgis and his family move to the United States in the middle of the Industrial Revolution, only to find themselves ill-equipped for the transition in the workplace and in society in general. Jurgis faces countless social injustices, and through a series of such interactions, the theme of the book is revealed: the support of socialism over capitalism as an economic andRead MoreEssay On The Jungle Of Mystery751 Words   |  4 PagesDrew Meyer Taler’s Adventure Once upon a time, there was a tiger named Taler who lived in the Jungle of Mystery. The Jungle of Mystery has flowers of many colors. Taler really liked the blue flowers that grew alongside the cliff. That cliff looked over the waterfall. Her sister, Tara, said, â€Å"Now Taler, do not go near that cliff.† Taler heard what her sister said, but she did it anyway, and everyday Taler would get closer and closer to the edge of the cliff. â€Å"Now Taler, do not go near that cliffRead MoreThe Irony of the Jungle1510 Words   |  7 PagesThe Irony of The Jungle Between 1870 and 1900 Chicago grew from a population of 299,000 to almost 1.7 million, the fastest-growing city ever at the time. This surge in population was largely attributed to immigrants coming from European countries seeking a chance for employment and new freedoms associated with moving to the United States at the time. 1905, in particular, was a historic year when a surge of over 1 million immigrants came to the city. During this time, author Upton SinclairRead MoreDisillusionment In The Jungle1399 Words   |  6 PagesIn the politically righteous book, The Jungle by Upton Sinclair, a newly wed’s feeling of innocence and happiness after their beautiful wedding in their homeland come to an end following the reality of discovering their new life in America. The notion comes from the disillusionment of American freedom and the twisted advertisement of a capitalist system. America was systematically built to be corrupt and dehumanized the significance of individual existence. This was done by easily replacing, deceivingRead MoreThe Jungle Essay1521 Words   |  7 PagesThe Jungle Throughout Upton Sinclair’s novel, The Jungle, the inhumane and disgusting treatment the working men and women was shown to the eyes of the American people. Although what the book is most recognized for is creating the Pure Food and Drug Act, an act that gave consumers protection from dangerous and impure foods, the many various horrors the lower working class had to go through was something that deserved more recognition. Upton Sinclair’s novel, The Jungle, gives an insight on howRead More The Jungle Essay478 Words   |  2 Pages The Jungle By: Upton Sinclair The story opens with the feast at Jurgis and Ona’s wedding in America, but soon flashes back to the time before they left Lithuania. Jurgis met Ona at a horse fair, and fell in love with her. Unfortunately, they were too poor to have a wedding, since Ona’s father just died. In the hopes of finding freedom and fortune, they left for America, bringing many members of Ona’s family with them. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;During time in America, Jurgis and his wifeRead MoreThe Jungle and In the Waiting Room1545 Words   |  7 Pagestoday’s world immigration and emigration has vastly increased. With these increased movements around the world, the lack of communication creates many consequences. Without a language in common the attempt at communication is a difficult process. In The Jungle, Upton Sinclair explores the consequences of language barriers through a new immigrant family. The Lithuanian family do not have the language skills required for their new life in America and everyday life is a struggle. The problems that rise from

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Machine Roles In Future Essay Example For Students

Machine Roles In Future Essay Whether we like it or not, machines will play an important part in the future. They already play such a large role in our life, its almost inevitable. Overthe past 20 years, the use of computers has skyrocketed. Now there is almost onein every home. Children of this generation are being taught to use computers ata very young age. Computers are used in most every office, also. Jobs that usedto be done by men can now be done by machines. Technology is growing each day. Jobs are being replaced by machines, and there is more need for people familiarwith computers or technology. In a lot of cases as far as jobs etc go, itssomething you need to know or something that helps considerably. Technology isbecoming more advanced. As the technology changes, so do our lives in a smallway and it shall continue into the future. Technology has changed our lives forboth better and worse. It has made life so much easier. Now instead of balingthe hay themselves, farmers can put the hay into a machine that makes bales. Itis not only more efficient, but the outcome is much more desirable. Laboriousjobs have been reduced or eliminated. Though it has made life easier, it alsohas promoted laziness. Instead of using our physical ability to accomplish ajob, so many can now be done by machine. Rather than walking to the store topick up margarine most would drive to the store. Little things that are soeasily accomplished by hand can now be done mechanically. Wed rather have a machine do the job, than exert the extra energy. This laziness has caused adecrease in the over-all health of human kind. There are more cases of obesity. The medical world has advanced, finding cures to many diseases, yet there aremore diseases each year. In some cases we dont really know what weredoing, which can be extremely dangerous. Good and bad have both resulted fromtechnology. Ive been working on computers for about 10 years, and I lovethem! I look forward to the advancements in computers. I was too young toexperience the beginning of computers, but I truly would have liked to see themgrow. It will be interesting to see what the future has in store for us. Itcould very possibly be complete disaster. There is more work being done withartificial intelligence and there is always the worry that a type of thinkingrobot could be created which will wipe out humankind. The robots may start tothink of us as inferior and take over. We could also be the destruction ofourselves. With technology, war is made so much easier. There would be moredeath and destruction than ever if World War III broke out. With one push of abutton, the whole wo rld could be annihilated! Now thats scary stuff. The fateof the world is in someones hand. Technology is both enlightening andfrightening at the same time. Its hard to tell where exactly it will go, butit will most definitely be a part of our future. Technology